Account Home

This page is a summary view of all your case(s) information. Each section contains mouse over help for your reference. If you cannot view any case information on this page, please contact your local child support office.


Field Description
Alert Box Information is missing on your profile. This information must be updated before you can further view information for your case(s). Please click on the "click here" link to proceed to your profile to update the required information.
Acknowledgement Messages You must read and acknowledge this message to proceed with viewing your case.
My Messages Click on a message to expand the display
Bulletins (See More) Click here to view all the active and old bulletins
Delete button (X) Click the "x" to delete a bulletin
Case List Click on the Name to view additional information
Calender Click on an appointment to expand the view
Financial Summary This provides a summary of the most current Financial information for the obligation amounts for all open account types with an ordered frequency amount